What Is Making Noise In My Attic? A Guide For Bumps In The Night.
A noise in the attic could be anything. It could be plumbing issues, heating issues, ductwork, exhaust fans, weather damage or as you might expect, animals.
The first thing you should do is look for the source of the noise. This is because if it is an animal the problem will not simply go away and could potential cause serious damage. Rodents for instance, have been known to chew and gnaw at everything in their sight including electric cables, which by the way could end up causing a fire. Another danger is contamination from animal droppings, most of which harbor some potentially fatal diseases. For instance, bat guano contains the histoplasmosis fungi while rat droppings contain the hantavirus. Bat Removal and Prevention Inc has conducted attic inspections and exclusions of these wild animals in Michigan for years. So we have seen it all. But like a noise on your car, the sooner you take care of it the less damage it does.
Different pests make different kinds of noises. Here is a guide that will enable you to know what exactly could be in your attic, because each type of pest has its own way of moving around. While a raccoon in the attic will make some definite thumping sounds, a rat or mouse will often make scurrying noises. Bats on the other hand are difficult to identify because they often are small and often crawl up and down walls from your attic, that they are misdiagnosed as mice or squirrels.
What could that “Something In The Attic” be? Here are a few Michigan critter possibilities:
You may have squirrels in the attic.
They feed in the daytime, so you will probably notice their presence in your home either in the morning or early evenings as they enter and exit your home. Squirrels after make fast running or scurrying sounds in your attic as they move really fast. Some people may even hear rolling sounds as they move their nuts around. Squirrel noises are heightened around the months of September and March as the young ones grow into young adults, most of the time doubling up their numbers.
The danger posed by squirrels is their tendency to gnaw on wooden property and electric cables.
One of the effective squirrel removal methods includes trapping. You could decide to use your own DIY traps but be extra careful, they may bite or scratch. If you cannot handle their numbers you could always get the services of qualified animal control experts.
Possible bats in the attic.
Bats move around by making a high frequency noise that cannot be detected by human ears so sometimes they could ‘silently’ invade your attic and you would be none the wiser. The noises however, do come in when the bat colony grows and they have to fight for space. They then make high chirping noises as they enter and exit your home, something you can’t miss. Evening is their most active time of day. Listen at dusk for movement.
Bats pose the danger of destroying your attic especially with their guano. Not only does it smell horrible, it also poses a health risk. So if you peak up in your attic and see large amounts of guano while trying to identify the noise, it is best to call a certified attic restoration company like Bat Removal and Prevention. At the very least, place a mask while inspecting the area.
Look for raccoon in the attic.
Raccoons are large nocturnal animals. They therefore make definite steps as they walk around your attic, making thumping and bumping sounds in the night. There could also be scratching as they tear up things, from the insulation to duct. A litter of baby raccoons is also very vocal with some crying noises that you cannot miss. You can find our video in Oxford this summer of a family of raccoons in attic.
Apart from the damage to property, another real danger posed by raccoons in the attic is that their urine and feces are highly toxic and could cause diseases.
Our team of experts has the right raccoon removal methods, but you could also exercise some DIY trapping methods. Visit our DIY section to learn more about raccoon removal and prevention tips.
Rats and mice in the attic.
They make a fast scurrying sound as they scamper around entering and exiting your attic through small channels especially at night. When you have a rodent infestation, the pitter patter of tiny feet is often heard, accompanied by scratching sounds as they chew on wood or concrete.
These rodents multiply really fast, so a control plan should be put in place immediately you suspect that there are rats or mice in your attic! Inspect for the presence of rat droppings, which are tiny, round, dark and soft but tend to harden with time.
These animals will chew on almost everything around them so the harm caused within a short period of time is very extensive.
Use humane trapping methods when dealing with rats and mice. Poisoning could work, but it does tend to leave a string of rotting animals in places you cannot even access. A thorough rodent proofing procedure must then be carried out. If their numbers are too high, you will need to get the services of a reliable wildlife control company to prevent another infestation.
Birds in the attic.
Their noises are a bit easier to determine because apart from the chirping, they tend to make flapping noises.
Bird droppings create a mess and pose a health risk. The noise they make can also be annoying.
Get rid of birds in the attic by completely bird proofing your house through sealing of their entry points. You could use a mesh or something solid.
Pests will make their presence known through the noises they make. Thumping, bumping, vocal sounds, flapping, scratching and even buzzing are all tell tale signs that you may have an animal or insect infestation. We have a DIY section for animal removal and prevention tips, but if you have a wildlife control problem in the Michigan area you can always count on Bat Removal and Prevention Inc to provide you with reliable services. Get in touch with us. Our emergency line is open 24/7
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