raccoon poop

Raccoons have been known to be dangerous for spreading rabies and causing injury to people through scratches, but there is more reason to get rid of them because even their poop contains harmful diseases. The problem is that most of us may not be aware of what raccoon poop looks like or what danger it poses to our general health. As a company that has over 14 years experience dealing with wildlife control around Michigan, you can rest assured that we can provide you with a few pointers on how to know that you have a raccoon problem and how best to control it so as to avoid the diseases that come with it.

What does raccoon poop look like?

It is pretty similar to dog poop, although it is distinguished by the availability of undigested food. If a raccoon had corn to eat, its feces will have some corn kernel residue, or if it had berries the poop will even maintain the color. The poop is basically 2-3 inches long, tube shaped with the diameter of a dime or a nickel.
Raccoons have a tendency of establishing latrines, whereby they select a spot they like then they frequently deposit fresh poop and urine raccoon poopon top of the old one. Some of their favorite spots include attics, garages, or even tree stumps and bases.

What diseases can one contact from raccoon poop?

It is important to note that these diseases are not only dangerous to humans, they also risk the lives of other animals around your home, your pets for example.

Raccoon Roundworm.

Raccoons have a roundworm also known as the baylisascaris procynosis that infests their intestines and lays millions of eggs. These eggs are then passed out in raccoon poop and could be ingested in either soil or water by the humans or other animals. Within a week, the eggs hatch into larvae and move to other areas of the body where they cause serious problems. Some of the symptoms of infection by baylisascaris include fatigue, liver problems, loss of muscle control, some people even slip into a coma.


This disease is not transmitted through raccoon poop, rather from its urine. The fact that it is also connected to an excretion of a raccoon’s bodily wastes makes it worth mentioning. The condition is mostly fatal to dogs. While a person may sometimes show no or mild symptoms when they have leptospirosis, some of the common signs include high fever, diarrhea, headaches, jaundice or influenza-like symptoms.


This infection could be contacted from the feces of many animals including raccoons. Once a person ingests something that contains infective cysts, they may exhibit symptoms of diarrhea, dehydration, abdominal cramps and nausea.

When a person shows any symptoms associated with the diseases contracted from raccoon poop, they should immediately be taken to a qualified medical practitioner to prevent further illness.

How can I prevent raccoons from living around my house?

  • You must ensure the openings that could give raccoons access to your house are properly sealed. This includes pet doors or attic windows.
  • Avoid feeding the raccoons! You most certainly don’t want them to get used to the idea that they could find food whenever they visit your home. You must also ensure that they do not feed themselves from waste bins by using lids that can be properly sealed. Clean your barbecue grills and keep your pets inside the house at night. Without food to sustain themselves, raccoons typically find another place to infest.

What if my place is already infested?

Raccoon RemovalThis should not be a reason for you to panic. The best option is to contact your nearest wildlife control company. You must never try to get rid of raccoons and their feces especially if you do not have the proper gear and equipment! You will be exposing yourself to a lot of risk.
Avoid contact with raccoon poop and any other raccoon excretion.
Avoid water that has been in contact with raccoon poop or urine. Ensure that your pets and children are not in contact with it either.
Consider vaccination for your pets. Dogs should especially be vaccinated against leptospirosis.
Contact us, we are experienced in animal control. We are well equipped to deal with the removal of raccoons, raccoon poop, and we take the necessary steps to ensure that your place stays raccoon free. Our raccoon control record in areas around Michigan is unrivaled.

What do we do?

Step 1. Inspection.

We check all areas for signs of raccoon poop. This includes the attic, garage, or any other areas we suspect the raccoons could have established latrines. We also have equipment to check for contamination of the water around your house. If there are any raccoons, dead or alive, you cane rest assured that we have the best solution for you.

Step 2. Removal.

This includes using expertise and the right gear to get rid of any dead and live raccoons around your house. We have the right capture methods that are friendly to the environment so you do not have to worry about having harmful chemicals around your home! We also remove the raccoon latrines that they had established.

Step 3. Disinfection.

We disinfect the water and soil that was infected through contamination from raccoon poop. Using the right disinfection compounds, we ensure that the areas where raccoon latrines were established will be free of infective cysts and surviving eggs.

Step 4. Pest control.

It is important that the whole area is sprayed with insecticide to ensure that any pests that were in contact with raccoons are gotten rid of. This includes fleas and ticks that could later cause harm to your pets.

What can I do if raccoon waste comes into contact with my skin/ clothes?

Wash your skin thoroughly with soap and water. Pay extra attention to the areas under your nails. You may opt to discard your clothes if you are not exactly fond of them, but they too can be cleaned with very hot soapy water. If you clean surfaces in your house where you suspect that there was raccoon poop, throw away the sponge used to clean.

You could absolutely DIY when it comes to cleaning raccoon poop but ENSURE THAT YOU HAVE PROTECTIVE GEAR. We are always ready to tend to your raccoon problem to help you with this. With our team of licensed professionals, you can wave goodbye to those stubborn raccoons and the disease threat they pose! Contact us, there is always a friendly customer service representative who is ready to assist you. The issue is always removal and prevention. That usually takes a trained technician to know all entry points and potential entry points. 

If you suspect you may have had raccoons in your home or currently are hearing noises in your attic and walls, schedule a home inspection with us today. If you are in the state of Michigan call us at 248.403.8167 for our Raccoon Removal service. 

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