bat noises

When it comes to bats, there is so much information that we can learn about them. For instance, our clients are mostly making enquiries about bat noises and how to differentiate between the sounds made by bats and that of other animals. We could start by the fact that bats use an interesting technique called echolocation to find their way around the dark.

This is where they emit a very high frequency sound that us humans cannot hear, then they use the way the sound bounces back to know where there are open spaces to fly through. Their way of communication is so refined that they can tell when the sound bounces back from even a tiny insect like a mosquito, enabling them to swoop down and catch their food.

Due to the fact that this sound produced by bats is so high for our normal hearing range, it is very possible to have bats roosting in your house and you would never even know about it. This is true especially for a small bachelor colony which does not have young pups to sell them out from their constant chirping and cooing noises.

They can silently access your attic and make a home for themselves for the longest time. The only indication you would get is maybe the accumulation of bat guano at the base of their point of entrance or when you are lucky enough to see them fly out as they leave their roost in the evenings.

There are noises in my attic, could it be bats?

When wild animals like raccoons, squirrels, rats and mice etc. invade your home they tend to mostly seek shelter in your attic, walls or chimney and bats are not an exception. When the bats are very silent you may never know, but as a bat colony grows, they start fighting for space and make noises that would make it hard for you to be comfortable in your own home. Also, when there is a maternal colony present it is very hard to miss.

The young pups are constantly making noises to attract their mother’s attention until they get to an age where they can be dependent. Let’s look at the unmistakable noises made by bats.

So we have already discussed echolocation noises that we cannot hear. These are the noises that are specifically for catching prey. When bats are communicating bat noiseswith each other, that is when we can now hear them. For instance, two bats fighting will make squeaking or squawking sounds.

A bat that has been trapped in insulation will squeak, scratch and even flap its wings. A pup has a unique sound that its mother recognizes for communication between the two. There is also an interesting phenomenon whereby a male bat makes certain ‘singing’ sounds to attract a female for mating. To us it may not come out as a song, more like a squawk but the female does get enticed by the best singer and chooses to mate with him. These are just examples of vocal sounds made by bats that we can actually hear.

Other bat noises.

From scratching, scurrying up and down the walls or attic to flapping their wings, bats make all these types of noises depending on their current situation. A trapped bat scratches and flaps around. A bat that is looking for a more comfortable roosting spot would scurry or fight another for space.

When bats are leaving or coming back to their spot they tend to crawl to their point of entry, slightly tapping or flapping with their wings. The bat noises are mostly evident in the early evenings and morning hours as the bats get out for hunting and back again to rest or tend to their pups.

Here is an interesting device that caught the echolocation sounds bats make while flying around.


What to do when there is scratching in the attic.

You could decide to use DIY methods to inspect and eliminate the source of the nuisance. Most of the time if the noises are caused by a small number of bats you can carefully handle the problem and eradicate it. Be extremely careful however because it does not matter how much the bats have annoyed you, NEVER use poison to get rid of bats! Killing bats is not only an immoral act, it is also illegal because the law protects them as an endangered species.

Another reason to avoid the poisoning of bats is the fact that people who kill bats end up with an even bigger problem than the bat noises. Once the bats die and get stuck on the walls and vents, the stench of rotting bats would make you wish you had just tolerated the bat noises! The removal of dead animals is very expensive and leaves some long term effects. Use only humane bat exclusion methods and ensure that you have cleaned up the guano for decontamination purposes.

The best option however, is to call the experts. You need professional advice on what exactly is making the noise and the best way to go about restoring the peace in your home. If the animals in your home are bats, then immediate action needs to be taken to ensure that they are humanely evicted and their guano is cleaned up to avoid contamination and the continued destruction to your property. The spaces that the bats are using to access your home should then be sealed completely to prevent the problem from recurring.

For your bat control needs in the State of Michigan, contact Bat Removal and Prevention Inc for a free quote. We will give you the full package, with a thorough inspection and completely natural bat removal methods that do not involve the use of any chemicals. Apart from these, we are also involved in full attic restoration to get rid of the damage brought about by bat droppings and urine. We also bat proof your home to keep future bat occurrences at bay.

Getting bat control services in the State of Michigan is inevitable for some residential and commercial property owners due to the fact that bats are available all year round. Whether it’s in the cold winter conditions or the hot summer weather, bats are usually spotted flying around in Michigan, meaning you may need to deal with their presence in your home at any given moment. Need local help? Bat Removal and prevention Inc is your trusted company for expert Michigan bat control services.

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